In March this year, The Grange Institution (TGI) conducted our first international benchmarking assessment using the Cambridge Primary Insight.
The Cambridge Primary Insight is an externally validated assessment data set that offers a benchmark of our students’ performance against a wider range of schools, including international schools. This assessment is taken by over 200,000 children globally. Rather than being based on any specific curriculum, this assessment is discipline-based, and measures how students can use and apply their skills in English and Math more broadly.

The Grange has achieved outstanding overall results. 100% of our students from Years 3 to 5 have matched their age group’s performance on the global benchmark, with a third of them achieving above average scores against their peers globally.
Year 5 student, Thant Lin Htet, was in the top 7.5% of age-equivalent children who took the Cambridge Primary Insight globally. He has been with The Grange since Year 1, and together with his parents, we are proud of his excellent performance.
This is a milestone achievement for the team at the Grange. We are heartened that our systematic approach to building academic foundations and fostering a culture of inquiry learning is yielding benefits. This, plus the dedication of our professional team of teachers have hauled in these sterling results. Not forgetting the support of our parents. It truly takes a village to raise a child.

At TGI, we often have transient communities, with a significant number of new students joining us throughout each academic year. The Cambridge Primary Insight is especially useful in identifying student’s strengths and weaknesses in different subject areas, allowing teachers to develop targeted learning strategies to help students achieve better academic outcomes.

Being able to get a thorough profile of a child’s strengths and areas of development within a couple of weeks of the start of term helps us to plan effectively and introduce any necessary support for the child.
Your child can be placed on the right footing right from the beginning of his global education journey. Book a visit to The Grange today!